(SP) – Fresh off his first Oscar for the animated short “Dear Basketball,” retired NBA star Kobe Bryant has moved on to his first director project. The untitled film is reportedly way behind schedule due to Bryant’s insistence on shooting so much.
“I think he’s a great director, to be sure, but he has to be one of the least efficient directors of all-time,” said executive producer Adam Morrison. “I’d say he’s put up 9,000 hours of film so far just go get five good minutes. But he insists on doing it his way. Every time we roll cameras, he says ‘Kobe!’”
Bryant’s film does not have any A-list talent on it, as the director struggled to get top names to work with him.
“The Mamba Mentality is not something Hollywood has. They don’t have that work ethic here,” said Bryant. “So I just have to do it myself. I won’t be stopped.”
A movie reviewer who has seen early cuts of the project, however, says the film has some major issues.
“This movie would have been great in 2005 or so,” said the critic. “But I just don’t think it will work as well in today’s cinema.”